The Prophet sallalla alaihi wa sallam said, "Indeed the person who was first tried on Judgment Day was a man who was martyred. H...
Fake Prophet: Thulaihah bin Khuwailid al-Asadi
Thulaihah bin Khuwailid al-Asadi was the third person who claimed to be a prophet. Initially, he embraced Islam in 9 H. However, at t...
Similiar tagsThe Lawless Ones
The Legend, Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali whose birth name was Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., was born January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. He w...
Similiar tagsThe Guidance of Islam
A Child Sells His House To Pay Dad's Debt
Almost all the stories about Arabs, especially Saudi Arabia, that come to us are about negative things. The word "peak", ...
Similiar tagsDutiful to Parents
From Adherents to Hinduism to Become Islamic University Hadith Professor of Medina
The legendary work of Prof. Dhiyaurrahman Azmi in the field of hadith will include it at the same level as the classical scholars. ...
Similiar tagsBiography of Ulama
Al-Hasan al-Bashri's advice to Umar bin Abdul Aziz
Following this is the advice of al-Hasan al-Basri to Umar bin Abdul Aziz, one of the pious caliphs of the Umayyads. Al-Hasan advised ...
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Shia Revenge To Saladin al-Ayyubi
The Shiites had not forgotten that Saladin al-Ayyubi was the one who had eliminated the Daula Fathimiyah (Shiite kingdom) in Egypt, a...
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