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Salamah bin al-Akwa ’is not a famous friend. Many people don't know him. Even though he is a noble friend. One friend who pledged under a tree, which Allah said about them,

لَّقَدْ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذْ يُبَايِعُونَكَ تَحْتَ الشَّجَرَةِ

"Verily Allah has pleased the believers when they pledge allegiance to you under the tree ..." [Quran Fath: 18].

He is also a brave hero who has a very fast run. And because entering Islam is unique. Because a wild animal talked to him and introduced him to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. How about the story of Salamah bin al-Akwa 'let us refer to the following article.


Hadith scholars call it Salamah bin al-Akwa. Although al-Akwa 'is not his father's name, but his grandfather's name. His name is Salamah bin Amr bin al-Akwa. Akwa himself named Sinan bin Abdullah bin Qusyair bin Khuzaimah. Salamah lives in Rabdzah.

Because of Islam

From Abu Said al-Khudri radhiallahu ‘anhu, he said," There is a wolf attacking a goat. Then he dragged the hunt. The goat herder chased the wolf and managed to snatch the goat from its grip. The wolf sat with the side of his stomach, he said, ‘Don't you fear Allah! You took it from me. A fortune that God has given me. ' The shepherd was shocked, biasa Incredible. A wolf who sits with the side of his stomach talking to me with human speech! ’Wolf replied,, Mauhah, did you tell me something more extraordinary than this? Muhammad at Yathrib (name of the city of Medina first). He told humans about the past people '. The shepherd brought his goat and hurried to Medina. He combed Medina from one corner to the other. Until finally he met the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. He reported what had happened to him. The Prophet (not yet responded) ordered prayers to be upheld. After the prayer, he met an Arab village and confirmed the news he had conveyed. He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said,

صدق والذي نفسي بيده, لا تقوم الساعة حتى يكلم السباع الإنس, ويكلم الرجل عذبة سوطه, وشراك نعله, ويخبره فخذه بما أحدث أهله بعده

"That's what the Jew said. By Allah, the One whose soul is in His hands, doomsday will not happen until a wild animal can talk to humans and the tip of a whip can tell the owner, as well as a person's sandals, also his thigh (can tell) what his wife did after his departure "

The above hadith is also narrated by Imam Ahmad in the Musnad (3: 83-84). Shaykh Al-Albani rahimahullah said, "This Sanad hadith is saheeh, the narrators are tsiqah narrators, namely Muslim narrators except Al-Qasim. He is tsiqah with the agreement of scholars, and his history is used by Muslims in the Muqaddimah (Shahih Muslim) "(Al-Ahaadits Ash-Shahihah Lineage, 1/31).

Ibn Saad mentions that this story is the story of Salamah bin al-Akwa 'radhiallahu ‘anhu. Even though Ibn Saad's statement was denied by Ibn Abdil Bar in al-Isti'ab. He mentioned that Ibn Saad did not mention the narrative of this story. So this story cannot be based on Salamah bin al-Akwa.

Famous for his courage

Among the most prominent characters of Salamah bin al-Akwa 'is brave. His courage was evident in the Qard Dzi War. One day Salamah succeeded in breaking the robbery of the Prophet's camels carried out by the Fazarah people. Abdurrahman bin Uyainah al-Fazari and his gang seized the Prophet's camel. He stole the Prophet's camel and killed his shepherd. Then he went with several horsemen.

During the incident, qadarullah there was Salamah walking alone carrying her arrow. He saw the incident. He faced Madinah and shouted, "Yes shabahah! Yes shabahah! Yes shabahah! "He meant telling about the robbery. Then he chased a group of people alone. He showered them with arrows so they thought they were facing a number of troops. As they turned, he hid behind a tree. While continuing to attack them until their horses were injured ... (Ibn Saad: ath-Thabaqat al-Kubra, 2/81)

His love for the Prophet

One day Salamah performs the Sunnah Dhuha prayer. He leaned on one of the pillars of the Prophet's Mosque. Then pray nearby. Then I (the narrator) said, "Why don't you pray here?" While pointing to one corner of the mosque. Salamah replied, "Indeed I saw the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam pray in this place. "(Narrated by Ibn Majah in Sunannya 1430, 1/459. Al-Albani commented that this hadith is saheeh).

Pay attention! How did the Companions pay great attention to the movements of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Modeling every detail of the Prophet's deeds is happiness for them.

Salamah with the Messenger of Allah

Yazid bin Abu Ubaid said, "I saw Salamah's bruise. Then I asked him, "Hai Abu Muslim, what are the marks of bruising?" He replied, "This is a bruise on the Khaibar War." People said, "Salamah was injured. Then he faced the Prophet. He spat thinly three times on his wound. Since then I have not felt sick until now. "(Narrated by Abu Dawud 3896).

Salamah bin al-Akwa said, "I pledged under a tree to the Prophet on the Day of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah. When the people were finished, he said, 'Hi Ibn al-Akwa' do you not want to pledge allegiance? 'I replied,' I have done it, Rasulullah '. The Prophet said, 'Do it again.' I also pledged him for the second time. "The narrator asked Salamah," Hi Abu Muslim, for what purpose did you pledge allegiance at that time? "He replied," To be willing to die. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari in Kitab al-Jihad and as -Sair, 2800).

This gift is called Baiat Ridhwan. Because God blessed those who took part in the ceremony at that time. Allah Ta'ala said,

لقد رضي الله عن المؤمنين إذ يبايعونك تحت الشجرة فعلم ما في قلوبهم فأنزل السكينة عليهم وأثابهم فتحا قريبا

"Verily Allah has pleased the believers when they pledge allegiance to you under the tree, so Allah knows what is in their hearts and decreases the serenity of them and rewards them with a victory that is near." [Quran Al -Fath: 18].

In Bai'at, the participant of Allah's blessing, Salamah bin al-Akwa 'berbaiat twice to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.

Hadith narrated by Salamah

Among the Prophet's hadiths narrated by Salamah bin al-Akwa 'are:

First: Hadith about Ali's appointment as a flag holder when he was about to invade Khaibar.

Second: the hadith about eating with the right hand.

From Salamah bin al-Akwa, there is someone who eats with the Prophet. The person eats with his left hand. The Prophet rebuked him,

كل بيمينك

"Eat with your right hand."

The person replied, "I can't."

The Prophet said,

لا استطعت ، ما منعه إلا الكبر

"You really can't. What prevents you from doing it is pride. "

Salamah said, "That person really can no longer raise his hand to his mouth." (Narrated by Muslim Bab, Ada-Tha'am wa asy-Syarab wa Ahkamuha 5387).

His death

Salamah bin al-Akwa died in Medina in 74 H. At that time he was 80 years old (History of al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak 6383). May Allah honor this noble friend.

Source: KisahMuslim