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Mariyah bint Syam'un al-Qibthiyah is a woman from Egypt. In the year 7 AH, the King of Alexandria (Egypt), Muqauqis, sent the Mariyah to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Friends of Hatib bin Abi Balta'ah were the ones who guarded him on the way to Medina. When he met the Prophet, he embraced Islam.

Embracing Islam

In the 6th year H, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam accused the kings. He sent them a letter. Inviting them to embrace Islam. Among the kings who got the letter was Muqauqis, King of Alexandria, Egypt. In response to the letter, Muqauqis gave many gifts to the Prophet. Among them are Mariyah and her sister named Sirin. Also included was Khasi, Mariya's brother. He also rewarded the prophet with lots of gold. 20 soft clothes. A bighal and a donkey. The prizes were entrusted to the friend of Hatib bin Abi Balta'ah radhiallahu ‘anhu.

Hatib accused Mariyah, Sirin, and Khasi. Mariyah is interested in Islam. Sirin immediately embraced this noble religion. While Khasi remained above his new religion when he arrived in Medina, he embraced Islam.

From this we get a lesson, most non-Muslims don't embrace Islam because they don't know Islam. Or they get wrong information about Islam. Muslims should not be afraid and delay to preach. Introducing this religion to non-Muslims. They have the right to know the truth. So that they get choices and choose the best path for their life. That is, every Muslim must equip himself with religious knowledge.

We also know why the Messenger of Allah forbade anyone to live in an infidel country. Because there, information about Islam is minimal. While the ambiguity of thinking about Islam is very large. This news gap can endanger the faith of a Muslim.

With the Messenger of Allah

Mariyah is a beautiful white woman. But he did not belong to the ummah of the believers. In the month of Dhul Hijjah in 8 H, Mariyah gave birth to the son of the Prophet and was named Ibrahim. The Prophet's wives also felt jealous of him.

With the birth of Ibrahim, Mariyah became an independent woman. Ibn Abbas said, "When Mariyah gave birth, the Prophet said," He was freed by his son. "Ibrahim lived for a year and a few months in the attention of the Prophet. Before he was two years old, Ibrahim was sick. Then he died when he was only 18 months old. He died in the year 10 AH, on Tuesday when the new Rabiul Awal was running several days. Mariyah was very sad with her son's departure.

To understand the position of Mariyah, we can refer to the words of Mother Ayesha radhiallahu ha anha, "I never jealous of women with the Prophet as my jealousy for Mariyah. Because she is a very beautiful woman and her hair is wavy. The Prophet was very interested in him. When he first arrived, he placed Mariyah in the house of Harithah bin an-Nu'man so that we became neighbors. Day and night the Messenger of Allah be with him until we take time to pay attention to him so that he does not feel at home. Then the Prophet moved him to a higher area. He often met him there. That is the hardest for us. "


Mariyah died on the month of Muharam in 16 H. Umar bin al-Khattab gathered people to overtake him. And he was buried in Baqi Cemetery. Ibn Mandah said, "Mariyah died 5 years after the Prophet died. Radhiallahu ‘anha wa askanahu fasiha jannatih.

By Nurfitri Hadi (@ nfhadi07)

Source: KisahMuslim