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Thulaihah bin Khuwailid al-Asadi was the third person who claimed to be a prophet. Initially, he embraced Islam in 9 H. However, at the end of the prophet's life, he apostatized and claimed to be a prophet. However, the end of his life is different from Musailimah who did not have time to repent. He repented in the time of Abu Bakr. And in Umar's time, he was allowed to join jihad.

Who is Thulaihah bin Khuwailid al-Asadi?

Thulaihah is a dukun from Bani Asad. He claimed to be a prophet at the end of the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. So, it is the same as Musailimah and al-Aswad al-Unsi. Confess to the prophet when the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was still alive. Thulaihah lives in Buzakhah, a place that is a source of water belonging to Bani Asad.

The recognition of Thulaihah as a prophet began to be known to many people after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. His people followed him. They canceled the peace agreement with the Thayyi 'and al-Ghauts tribes. Then they allied themselves with Ghatafan. The Kabilah at the end of the Arabs was indeed at loggerheads with Medina.

Banu Asad is a tribe that lives in the territory of Nejd. They lived next to the Thayyi Kabab on the east and Bakr on the south. To the north is the village of the Hawzan and Ghatafan tribes. And on the west are the Abdul Qais and Tamim tribes. These tribes have a history of peace agreements as well as disputes. Changes in the state of peace and war according to their conditions and the development of the area around them.

Banu Asad Ever Adhered to Islam

In the year 9 AH or what was known as ‘am al-wufud (the year of the emissaries), came the messenger of the Bani Saad to Medina to pledge allegiance to the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam. They vowed to embrace Islam. The number of those who came at that time was ten. Among them were Dhirar bin al-Azur, Wabishah bin Ma’bad, Thulaihah bin Khuwailid, etc. They talked about their dispute with the neighboring tribes, namely Bani Thayyi. The Prophet tried to mediate this dispute. The Prophet wrote to them. A letter written by Khalid bin Said. Bani Thayyi 'responded, "Requirements, they may not approach the water source and the Thayyi land." Because Thayyi water is not lawful for them. And do not cultivate their land the people of them. "They appointed Qudha'i bin Amr a person from Bani‘ Adzrah as their employee (Ibn Saad: Juz 1 p. 270-292).

Kabilah Asad, Ghatafan, and Thayyi 'actually have made peace with each other since the time of jahiliyah before the time of nubuwah. Then there was a dispute between them, Thayyi 'out of agreement. Asad and Ghatafan moved away from them. It was this dispute that was wanted to be parsed by the Prophet sallallaahu ingin alaihi wa sallam. So that the people of Bani Asad will no longer be prohibited from taking water and cultivating land in Thayyi.

When Thulaihah proclaimed himself a prophet, and the stronger the echo of the confession after the death of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam, the Ghatafan received that acknowledgment. Because they were hostile to Quraysh. Uyainah bin Hishn al-Fazzari said, "I did not know the state of Ghatafan since the break-up between us and Bani Asad. Really I will correct the peace agreement between us in the past and follow Thulaihah. For the sake of Allah! Following a prophet from two groups who became allies I loved more than following Quraysh. Muhammad died. While Thulaihah lives. "(Tabari: Juz 3 p. 257).

In conclusion, these tribes hated the leadership of Quraysh.

Confession of the False Prophet

It is not clear what motivated Thulaihah to claim to be a prophet. It could be that he did it solely because of tribal competition. The indication is the statement of Uyainah bin Hishn above.

In his preaching, Thulaihah did not invite Arabs to worship idols. This is also not done by those who claim to be prophets other than themselves. They did not call for Arab society to return to the old tradition of worshiping idols. Because tawheed preaching has spread so much. Paganism in the Arabian Peninsula has been successfully used up by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.

There is almost no Thulaihah thought perpetuated in historical records. What arrived at us was the news that he denied bowing and prostration in prayer. He said, "Allah does not command to roll your face on the ground. Or arch your back in prayer. "He also said," Indeed, Allah does not order to smear your face and make your buttocks worse. Remember God by standing ... "(al-Biladzri: p. 106).

Repentance of the False Prophet

In the lifetime of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam, he fought those who claimed to be prophets. Like the false prophet al-Aswad al-Unsi. The Prophet ordered Dhirar bin al-Azur to face Thulaihah. But this mission has not succeeded until the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam died.

Abu Bakr radhiallahu ‘anhu replaced the position of the prophet leading the Muslims. He appointed Khalid bin al-Walid radhiallahu ‘anhu to lead troops to crush Thulaihah and his followers. Khalid defeated the Thulaihah forces. But this false prophet managed to escape to Sham. During the escape period, Thulaihah realized and again declared Islam.

Source: KisahMuslim