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Muhammad Ali whose birth name was Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., was born January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. He was born to a poor black family. When racial issues are pushed up.

When he was playing at a gym in Kentucky, someone stole his bicycle. He was really annoyed with the thief and threatened to beat him to pieces. "I will beat it up and I beat it until it is badly injured, if it is found," said the tall, thin child in front of the police. The police did not respond seriously to the child's anger. They even said, if you want to beat people up, you will learn to punch first. This event changed his life. Ali began boxing in 1954, when he was only 12 years old.

Become a Professional Boxer

Muhammad Ali began his professional debut in boxing in 1960. After winning gold medal at the Rome Olympics. At that time he was 18 years old. In 1964, the world was shocked by Ali's victory over Sonny Litson. Ali, a 22-year-old who was unknown and completely unseeded, was even predicted to die in the ring because his big mouth mocked Litson, succeeding in defeating a fearsome boxer.

Ali's victory over Sonny Litson made him a star. And his career continued to accelerate. He became an idol and hero for black American youth.

At the height of his career in 1966, Ali refused to join American forces in the Vietnam War. Consequently, the competition permit was revoked in all countries for America and his passport was revoked. For 4 years (1967-1970), from the age of 25 to 29 years, Muhammad Ali did not do any professional boxing matches.

In 1970, Ali returned to get permission to compete. His first match after 'exile' is facing Oscar Bonavena. Ali managed to KO Oscar in that match. This victory brought him to the door of glory again by challenging world champion Joe Frazier. The match of the two world champions at that time was predicted as Fight of the Century. In this match Ali was forced to accept his first professional defeat. At the next meeting Ali managed to defeat Frazier.

In 1974, Muhammad Ali won the world title after defeating George Foreman.

His professional boxing career recorded a record 57 wins, 37 of which won KO.

Embracing Islam

Muhammad Ali announced his Islam in 1975. Then he changed his baptismal name Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. become Muhammad Ali Clay. When asked what made him change his belief in being a Muslim. Ali answered with an amazing answer, "I've never seen so much love. Hugs and kisses between them. Pray 5 times a day. Women wear long clothes. The way they eat. You can go to any country by greeting ‘assalamu’alaikum - wa’alikumussalam. You have a house. you have brother. I choose Islam because it can connect me (brotherhood to anyone). As a Christian in America, I can't go to a white church ... "

He continued, "(In Islam) I feel kindness. I feel freedom. Islam makes me connect with Saudi Arabia. The Islamic Brotherhood connects me with Pakistan, Morocco, Syria. I can live in palaces (world Muslim leaders) because I'm a Muslim. Being a Christian I never sat (equal) with leaders. As a Muslim, I sat together (Anwar) Sadad, (Gamal Abdul) Naser, Marcos President of the Philippines. Kings (Arabs), Sultan of Abu Dhabi, and the community welcomed me like a brother ... Therefore, I chose Islam. "

The lesson for us Muslims, do not forget the greetings of fellow Muslims. Because greetings show love and affection. As the Prophet said ﷺ,

"Will not enter heaven until you have faith, and you do not believe until you love each other. Will you show me something that if you work then you will love each other? Spread greetings among you. "

The word of the Prophet sendiri was felt by Muhammad Ali when he was still a Christian. He saw so much love and brotherhood in Muslims with greetings.

The role of a Muslim

In 2005 he founded Muhammad Ali Center in his hometown of Louisville. This place functions as a center for da'wah. Perhaps to provoke the attraction of visiting people and then study Islam, Muhammad Ali put some of his collection items here. This place also operates as a non-profit organization to spread ideas of peace, social welfare, help people in need, and noble values ​​that Muhammad Ali believes.

The opening ceremony of the venue was attended by a large number of Muhammad Ali fans who came from various parts of the world, including former US President Bill Clinton.

Muhammad Ali said, "I want this place to encourage someone to give their best in their chosen field."

Since he was active in the social world, Muhammad Ali has visited many countries to help children and poor people health programs. Among the countries he visited were Morocco, Ivory Coast, Indonesia, Mexico, etc.

He also pays attention to the lower society in Seirka, especially African Americans who often experience discrimination.

Ali's sayings

"Why should they ask me to wear a uniform and go ten thousand miles from home to drop bombs and bullets on chocolate people in Vietnam while those called Negroes in Louisville are treated like dogs and rejecting simple human rights?" Ali, February, 17 , 1966.

"People say I speak so slowly now. No wonder. I counted I did 29,000 blows. But I got $ 57,000,000 and saved half of it. So I did a few hard punches. Do you know how many black men are killed every year by weapons and knives without a penny for their names? I might speak slowly, but my mind is fine. "- Ali, January 20, 1984.

When there was an attack in Paris claimed by the ISIS group, Muhammad Ali spoke up,

"I am a muslim. There is no Islamic teaching about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere in the world. True Muslims know that violence and cruelty called Jihadist Islam is very contrary to the teachings of our religion. "- Ali, 2015.

I don't smoke, but I always carry matches in my pants pocket. Every time my heart is moved to sin, I burn one matchstick. I feel the heat in my hands. I told myself, "Ali, just holding the heat of this match you can't. How about the enormity of the heat of hell fire? "


Muhammad Ali died on Saturday, June 4, 2016, at the age of 74. The former heavyweight world champion died at a hospital in Phoenix City, Arizona, after being treated since Thursday.

Ali suffered from respiratory problems, due to complications caused by Parkinson's disease he suffered.

The family said the funeral would be in Ali's hometown in Louisville, Kentucky.

- الملاكم_الأمريكي_محمد_علي_كلاي
- Videos of interviews with Muhammad Ali

By Nurfitri Hadi (@ nfhadi07) [KisahMuslim]